Leadership Lab

This is designed for inexperienced leaders to set them up for success. The program is customized to the group’s needs and can be conducted virtually or in person.

Benefits for your organization:
  • Develop strategic leaders who drive the organization’s objectives and vision
  • Increase capacity to lead and engage others
  • Improve leader’s accountability for their results
  • Create an enhanced community of collaborative leaders
Benefits for leaders:
  • Increase capacity to deliver expected results
  • Enhance capability to engage and inspire your team
  • Improve ability to overcome barriers to success

The process:


Step One:
Sponsorship meeting

Meet one on one with manager (or sponsor who is supporting your development)

  • Identify competencies and areas for development
  • Clarify program format
  • Define roles of sponsor, client and coach

Step Two:

Leaders in the program meet for the first time, review the process, the flow and get their  questions answered

Step Three:
Group sessions

Our customized solution includes bimonthly meetings and leaders also get the opportunity to practice on the job learning between sessions

Step Four:
Final Sponsorship Meeting

Debrief results


Ongoing email support
All conversations are confidential